We think it's a good question, and don't mind answering it. We know you can make most any travel arrangements all by yourself on the internet and we actually love how knowledgeable all this available information has made our clients. But we (being in the business) also hear all the horror stories too. (ie. "Yeah, we got down to Mexico and the hotel told us that they didn't have our reservation and that we'd have to pay again until they found it..." Yikes! Unfortunately, we hear that one a lot.)
We have plenty of reasons for being partial to professional travel bookings over internet bookings. (Grin)
Here are some of the reasons our clients give.
I already have a job! You do. And so do we. Ours is to take care of the tedious details of your travel plans, and we love doing it. A little internet research about your upcoming vacation can be kind of fun for you...hopefully inspiring (that's what we're after with
WonderTrips). But then as you click around you start to realize there is so much out there and that cruise advertised for $399 is really $799 by the time you get to the purchase page and you don't know anything about that ship and can't remember when hurricane season is....and that leads us to the next one we hear.
Overload!! It's a big world. Big internet. Where should you go? Who should you trust? This is where we give our plug. We've been doing this for 15 years and hold a variety of professional certifications ranging from Disney, cruise, and destination specialist to professional Travel Advisor certifications like CLIA and MCC . We make a practice of updating and expanding our expertise with a minimum of 3 (usually more) travel conference / seminars every year.
Peace of mind. If you've ever had a bad travel experience, you already know how important this one is. We call it advocacy. We're here if you have problems, want to make changes, have an emergency, have questions, etc...and we speak english...which can be pretty important when you're in another country...or LA (chuckle).
Besides...we give you free stuff like custom made luggage tags and sometimes underwater cameras with your vacation package and throw client parties and send out cool newsletters and take you to coffee and stuff!
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