This year found us with our son and daughter-in-law flying into Redmond from Spokane on Christmas Eve.
So yes - this will make the blog because after all it is about travel!
You can imagin

We were some of the fortunate ones who were able to pick up our family at the airport with only a 3 hour delay.
Our daughter Jen and her husband Steve and our two grandchildren Caleb and Jordan live in Bend so we had the entire family with us for 3 days. Christmas Eve found us sharing Taco Soup with one another. Christmas Day found us sharing stories of life happenings this year and gifts and dinner and playing games on into the evening. How fun!
You don't know what fun is until you play , and one of the descriptions that has to be described is Chewbacca. We were all sitting around anxiously waiting for the description when all of a sudden out of nowhere came this loud but very accurate Chewbacca Cry (Star Wars for those of you who do not know) and everyone guesses the word by the cry because it is so exacting to what it sounded like on the movie. And of course, it had to come from Cory. He is our GREAT sound impressionist. We laughed until our sides hurt. Not only at his clue, but that we all were able to guess it so easily. We had some wonderful times and are so thankful that everyone was able to be here. Seems everyone got that something special for Christmas - especially Jordan - he got what he was hoping for - Guitar Hero - WOW! - As soon as he opened it he was gone into another room and not seeming to mind whether he had another gift to open or not.
But as always the best gift of all at this Christmas time is family and friends close by and sharing in the gift of Christmas itself.
So with this wonderful season coming to a close we at T&M Travel would like to wish everyone a fabulous and Happy New Year!!!!
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